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New Testimonial

Dear Mary,

I saw my medical doctor yesterday for a few different issues. It was the first that I have had an appointment with her since I began acupuncture with you in January of this year. One of my goals for this year was to get off of medication. I was taking a medication for hypothyroidism at the time that I met you but discontinued it soon after I began acupuncture.

My doctor was concerned that if my thyroid was low that would not be a good condition for my hip replacement surgery. My surgery is scheduled this fall. So the doctor had me do blood work yesterday and I got an email from her this afternoon saying that my thyroid is normal.

I am so thrilled!!!! Thank you for your support and encouragement to use acupuncture to help remedy my hypothyroidism. The rest of my blood work is good also.

Again thanks for your support. I had to share my good news with you.

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